Task Scheduling
Scheduling cleans, inspections, maintenance repairs, and other property care tasks don't have to be a royal pain. Our user-friendly dashboard combines data from integrations, teams, and historical jobs so you can ditch your spreadsheets and ensure that the right job is assigned to the right person at the right time.

Sync Reservation, Occupancy, and Guest Data from your PMS in Real-Time.
Having clear visibility into occupancy is the foundation of efficient property care and operations. Cleanster.com's dashboard syncs the information you need from dozens of PMS systems (or iCals) and IoT devices so you can transform your programs without switching the systems you already use. You can see what activity is needed at each property and filter by reservation, property type, tags, and more.
Assign Tasks Based on Staff Availability, Location, Historical Timing, and Department Defaults.
Scheduling your field staff is time-consuming, and often includes last-minute changes that might remind you of the game Tetris. Knowing where your field teams are, how long tasks typically take them, and what's on their daily schedule is critical to ensure you assign the right job to the right person and at the right time.
Auto-Schedule Tasks Based on Company and Department Rules.
It's smart for managers to schedule jobs for weeks at a time. It's not smart to schedule them manually. Our auto-scheduling functionality lets you easily draft workflows and tasks based on rules you set for each check-out, check-in, and back-to-back. Easily review and then push your assignments live!
Customize Property Care Workflows for Each Stay, Guest, and Property Type.
Let's say a check-in at one of your properties requires distinct cleaning, preparation, and inspection tasks; instead of scheduling each task separately (and notifying each department when it's their time to shine), Cleanster.com's event-triggered workflows empower you to build and schedule entire programs at a time.
Assign Work to Service Partners and Outsourced Teams.
Scheduling and tracking service partners is one of the hardest parts of property management. Our tools let you assign work to outsourced teams (like cleaning, maintenance, linen delivery, etc.), allowing them to accept or reject each job, and further delegating accepted tasks to their own employees.
Leverage Recurring Tasks for Better Preventative Maintenance.
Certain property care tasks aren't based on reservations - like routine deep-cleans, move-out inspections, and quarterly maintenance on pools, hot-tubs, grills and chimneys. We let you schedule these inspections weekly, monthly, or quarterly, so you'll stay on top of preventative maintenance for better asset management.
Receive Task Notifications and Eliminate Need to Call & Text Staff.
Quarterbacking your property operations relies on efficient information sharing. We allow field staff to receive SMS text messages, emails, and app push notifications upon new task assignments and updates on existing assignments. Updates are shared automatically with internal teams, eliminating the need for ad-hoc texts/calls, and keeping everyone on the same page. Intelligence for Deeper Task Scheduling.
Our benefits
Why use our platform
PMS Integrations
Integrations with leading PMS systems and IoT devices to harness the power of your data.
User Planning
Monitor staff's daily, and weekly availability to easily manage task assignments.
Auto-schedule property care tasks based on reservation times and custom rules.
Recurring Tasks
Schedule tasks to repeat so you'll stay on top of preventative maintenance.
Service Partners
Invite cleaning companies, linen delivery services, plumbers, and other vendors to accept tasks.
Property Schedule
Organize and filter your properties by reservation, stay-type, groups, and more. Want to Automate your Task Scheduling?